Sunday, 29 May 2016

10 Steps to Deal with Period Pain

Every female has a different experience with period pain (dysmenorrhea) - I have lots of friends who have never experienced it and then I have others, including myself, who can be in agony whilst on their period. My experience is a little different; because I have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) I can go months without having a period, but then when it finally makes an appearance it can last weeks (my record is 2 months). I feel this contributes to having extra pain when I do come on and I’m physically ill for the majority of it. Period pain is caused by contractions that are pushing the lining of the womb out when your eggs are unfertilised. It is really normal and there are so many things you can do to make yourself feel better! Here are the things I do to make star week easier:

1.Pain Relief

The best type of medicine to take for period pain are NSAIDs (non-steriordal anti-inflammatory drugs). Most of the branded NSAIDs contain ibuprofen in some form. I usually use Feminax which specially designed for menstrual cramps but i’ve more recently tried using Panadol (a lot cheaper) and it worked really well. Start off by trying regular ibuprofen (remember to buy supermarket owned brands as they're so much cheaper) and if they don't have an effect just keep trying different things to see what works best for you. 

2. Tampons VS Sanitary Towels

This is a hard one because for comfort I prefer tampons but tampons exacerbate my cramps. I’ve tried to do some research online to why this may be but there’s no scientific reason to say why they could make them worse - but a lot of woman feel the same as me. I usually wear tampons when out and about but then when i’m at home I wear towels, especially as it’s advised not to wear tampons over night anyway. 

3. Hydrate Yourself

Keeping hydrated is even more vital when it’s your time of the month. Our bodies need about 8 cups of water a day and that doesn’t change when you’re on. Some people avoid drinking water for fear of being bloated, but actually it’s been shown that the more you drink, the less water retention you have. Avoid salty snacks, drink plenty of water and you’ll lessen that horrible bloating feeling. 

4. Chocolate

I know, I know, do girls really need a reason to eat chocolate? No, but if you’re on a diet and have some period pains… go on then! Chocolate genuinely makes me feel better, I don’t know if it’s the sugar or the boosted serotonin levels but it really does give me a pick up so make sure you’ve got your favourite chocolate bar to hand - my favourite just now is the Cadbury Medley with dark chocolate, fudge and biscuit pieces.

5. Heat

This is one of my favourite remedies. There’s nothing more comforting than lying on the couch with a hot water bottle watching your favourite TV show on Netflix (anyone excited for the new PLL series?). Heat soothes the muscles that are cramping and also can help you sleep if you’re tired. You can also get specialist heat patches.

6. Tea

This ties in with staying hydrated but there can be medicinal benefits to drinking herbal tea. Ginger has so many health benefits and one is that it can ease pain from cramps. I’m not a fan of ginger tea, so I drink peppermint and I find it to have a good effect too. Plus the heat from the tea can help too! My favourite brand of peppermint tea is Tetley's and Marks and Spencers Moroccan Mint Tea.

7. Bananas

Eating healthily can help to minimise period pain but bananas are particularly good. This is because of the vitamin B6 and potassium which can help with bloating and a lack of potassium can cause increasing cramping which is the last thing we want.

8. Stay Occupied

There’s nothing worse than lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself - keep yourself occupied by reading magazines, watching Netflix or even planning a day out with friends. Even though you may be in pain or discomfort if you are able to go out and feel okay don’t let your period stop you!

9. Be Prepared

I always carry a small bag in my main hand bag just for items that I may need when out and about. Due to PCOS I have no idea when I’m going to start my period so I always carry sanitary pads, tampons and also Femfresh wipes with me. I really like the Femfresh wipes because they’re handy to carry around and are really gentle in that area. 

10. Be positive

When I get down about star week, I remember that this annoying thing that only causes grief will eventually be the reason I will have children in the future! 

I hope that my little remedies make you feel better. Period pain is completely natural - but if you are in pain than usual or have any unusual symptoms remember to go and see your GP. Don’t be afraid, doctors see and hear things every day so something that might be a little embarrassing is completely normal to doctors - it’s what they’re paid for! 

Thanks for reading!

Lorah x

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